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CD Review


Alpha Omega News

August 2007

12 tracks @ 40:02   Grade - A

                                                                                                   ©2006-2025 MyCar Music                                    Mike’s Wing Page

I am continually pleasantly amazed at the talent serving in local churches. Mike R Schuster is the Pastor of Worship & Arts for the Bow Valley Christian Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  Eleven of the 12 tracks on this disk are original compositions.  It is beautiful worship music that many churches of all sizes will find appropriate for use. 


The arrangements are generally simple and contemporary while the lyrics easy to sing. As recorded here, the songs have a slight modern country feel.  Schuster’s vocals remind me of Alan Jackson.  The songs “Together,” “You’re My God,” and “Walk in Your Freedom” are outstanding.  The acappella version of “Unify” is simply gorgeous.


My wife often has to put up with my listening sessions and she really liked this disk.


Mike’s intent for his music is “to get the songs we’ve been using to a wider audience (especially worship leaders) where they can be used in personal or corporate worship settings to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”  To encourage use of his songs, Mike has provided free chord charts on his web site.  I encourage everyone to check that out at www.mikerschuster.com


- Rob S.

Alpha Omega News
