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You Take Care Of Me - Song Story

Every spring while I was a Pastor of Worship & Arts I struggled with the “should I stay or should I go” question... My life was based around the school calendar since God first put my passion for teaching on my heart. I don’t struggle with it anymore, and find myself quite content with the good things God keeps pouring into my life.

But wherever I’m working, in a school, a church, a downtown office, or beyond I want to be “in the center of His will” as this song states. I think this applies to all of life’s situations: our gifts, talents, and abilities can be used by God in ways and places we could never imagine... If we strive to stay in the center of His will - He will take care of us.

The video for this song was shot on a Compassion project rooftop in Santa

Domingo, Dominican Republic. We left a piece of our heart in the DR on that

trip, and have since sponsored two beautiful Compassion children there

(one of whom we met on a subsequent trip).

Musicians on “You Take Care Of Me”

Steve Simpson (lead guitar, mandolin);

Mike R Schuster (acoustic);

Justin Kudding (bass);

Ian McGillvrey (drums);

Deanna Moore (BGVs);

Mike R Schuster (BGVs)


Physical CDs are available on the Store tab; individual and album downloads are available through iTunes and CD Baby.

If you want more info on

any of these songs,

drop Mike a note at:


Album Credits

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